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godzilla is crafty. we devise ways to keep him out of the bedroom and every morning, after monk leaves, he manages to get in and suddenly there he is kneading my neck and purring happily. i'm not sure how he does it..

the internet is a dangerous tool. i don't remember how i dealt with garnering important knowledge before it came along. it seems impossible. i also know that i have always been nosy and overly curious and the internet allows for stalky behavior and that just makes me feel stupid if i give in to it, but... i still do sometimes. so, i think the internet is bad. i have spoken.

i don't actually mean it. i kind of like the internet.

i'm going skiing for the first time . this weekend. i'm being taught how to ski. i have never broken a bone and i'd like to keep it that way. there is no wood for me to knock in my immediate vicinity so i will knock on this aeron chair.

I'm working on a friend's website and i'm realizing that i can't *help* but include orange in my designs. it's not something i can help, so if you ever want a website done by better be ok with orange.

also, the internet has severely damaged my writing ability. i write run ons. i use punctuation haphazardly. I dont' edit, and I babble incoherently sometimes.

also i have changed a lot since my 20's.

that's all for now.

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