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of messes

i wasn't at all sore the day after rollerskating. but now. the day after the day after, i'm sore. how sneaky is that. stupid body. strangely, my arms are sore. i can only attribute this to the floundering and wavering i used them for so i would keep my balance.

i am going again tonight. i will get good, damn it.

i have some thoughts in my head about drinking. and hibernating tactile selves. and disinterest in sex yet that tactile self poking head out. and baggage that isn't dealt with vs. that that is. and the ways i figure everyone can see right through to insecurity or discomfort or disinterest, so i just put everything i am feeling out there verbally , because i figure i might as well give it words if they can see it anyway and how that may be a mistake. how i might wnat to learn to hold back some. and i now have piqued your interest (right? uh huh. absolutely). but i'm going to go do some work, and maybe i won't be too lazy to write it out later.

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