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a little bit of goodness again

I think it's very sad that i haven't had a blissed out night like tonight in too long.
in our old house i LIVED for the nights when i barbecued salmon or chicken, threw together a glorious salad and made some wild rice.
then we'd sit outdoors in the dying light and eat and smell the flowers and drink a beer.
those nights made me think "this is what it's all about"
sure, it's simple. nothing fancy about it. but really, that's what makes me happy. a simple delicious meal, being outside, feeling a little free and unconstrained by walls or work, and drinking a beer with my boy and relaxing.
i think i have had more of that seasonal disorder than i was aware of.
our back yard smells AMAZING right now.. there is a riotous mass of color and they are all perfuming the air.
add to that the smell of barbecuing meat... and you've got olfactory heaven.

this weekend is already booking up with stuff, but i hope to have at least a half a day to just make good smelling/tasting things, and enjoy my outdoors.

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