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lovely weekend stinky monday

ah. nuva ring comes out. emotions go haywire. neurotic, emotional hormonal mish mash.

but the weekend was warm and cozy and comfy .and beautiful. with hiking in the sun into the lakes basin area, to swim in cold clear deep water surrounded by mountains and trees and sky. wild flowers. steep hills. getting naughty out in the open for the world and the clouds and the fishies and the birdies to see. boy jumping off the rock into the cold clear water with a yelp from cold every time. boogie obsessing over rocks so much he cuts his paws on shale. limping pathetic dog barely able to hike back out. having to be carried for a bit by monk. stopping every 5 minutes so he could lie down and look pathetically up at us. poor boy all bandaged up and hobbling around now. (still faster than me on up hills. hobbled or not)

but we agreed if he spoke english and we asked if he wanted to go back, cut up paws and all, he'd say 'aroof, yes please"

corn on the cob with cumin butter, tuna in tequila mango jalapeno marinade, minto giner orzo. cold hoegarden

hot tub under clouds and stars and smogless sky.

hot hot sweltering sunday. lazing on couch. sleepy . dog hobbling. murder burger on the way home.

weird dreams.

and now, reactive dumb day.

i prefer weekends, thank you very much.

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