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a post-karaoke friday and i feel fine. i stayed sober. novel, really.

i sang twice anyway. proof i don't need booze.

and i saw a video of myself singing and i *didn't* want to die! crazy.

my goal with people. those i become friends with. is to get to the place where they are with me who they are when they are alone. at their most natural and comfortable and un selfconscious.

crotchety sorta shares this goal but he wants to forge connections as fast as possible. he will get intense and ask questions about childhoods or sexual fantasies or other things that will establish this sort of false sense of knowledge and connection that is both fun and .. funny. but leads him to think he knows and understands a person before he's actually established that sort of awareness.

i remember when i met him, i think he asked me what my sexual fantasies were on the 3rd time we hung out. of course i told him. i don't think i'm capable of keeping a self-secret. (hellooo, have you been READING this diary? yea. see)

right now pussy and i are trying to one up each other with compliments on how purty the other is. what good girlfriends we are.

movie night tonight.

monk's test sure is putting a crimp in my style. hah.

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