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slots and slits

today it has been exactly one year since i met monk. one year since i danced like an iddiot for hours and hours, dumped an entire bottle of water on my head and developed a crush that took 2 months to become what it has. this year has gone by so so very fast!

this past weekend we went with a group of his friends to tahoe. [side note: can i just say how amazing california is? it is. the vast diversity of natural wonders. good god] we had a big house, about 20 people, lots of food, card games, hot tub..
i had my first down hill skiing lesson... and i've decided i dont' want to learn to ski anymore. because that would mean i'd have to give up skiing between monk's legs! he stands behin dme, puts his arms around me, tells me it's gonna be ok, kisses my cheek and then we're off down the bunny hill... and he steers us left and then right and then down and tells me in my ear what he's doin gand it's both intimate and sweet and romantical and "WHEEEEEEE!"
so fuck learnin to ski on my own. i'm his new front-side barnacle.

no , but really. i learned to snowplow (i already knew how to do that. i grew up in vermotn and may not have learned to downhill but i did mucho mucho cross country). stop. a little bit of turning (barely) and every time i succeeded i got a kiss. (puke! puke! corny! fuck you, it was great)

we had a lot of together time and a lot of apart time. playing different games in different parts of the house...sunday he went off to ski with people who actually know what they're doing and i stayed behind to cook with one fo the friends. to read , take a bath, nap...very relaxing

monday morning we made breakfast for everybody, and then packed up the truck and drove home. got home at a nice reasonable afternoon hour and got to play with zillamonster, go to the store, play spite and malice, listen to music, take a hottub, have a few bouts of lovin, and get really stupid silly which is pretty much my favorite way to be.
all in all, one of the better weekends i've had in awhile
and i get to go skiing again this weekend! barnacle barnacle barnacle.

oh we also converted approximately 17 people to dance dance revolution. we are on a mission.

tonight is taco night.

i'd like a nap.

today i bought: 3 fiction books [the kite runner, the devil in the white city, the time travelers wife] (started one [kite runner] over the weekend that i have to finish but it belonged to someone else who was also reading it) . an illustrated guide to mah jong because i know i'll never remember the rules, and a card rules game book.
weighty heavy wonderfulness of books.

i still would like a nap.

i like 'em crass.

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