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once, when i was in ireland...vince and i stayed in a huge old rambling hostel that usually could probably sleep hundreds. with lots of dark halls and rooms off the hallways.

for some reason the owners put us in one of the rooms on the third floor down two or three long hallways, instead of just on the ground floor near the kitchen.

we were the only guests.

we sat in the common area with the guy who ran the place and watched an old season of Twin Peaks. a scary one with what seemed to be a werewolf or just a crazy guy who howled at the moon. an axe. the episode that showed the night lara palmer died.

that night i made vince go with me , down three hallways from our room, in the dark (also the lights weren't all working in the place, since there wren't really any guests).. and stand with me in the bathroom while i pee'd. he was close enough to hold my hand as i sat on the toilet..peeing with shallow breath and raised-hairs on my neck.

sometimes i can be a real ninny.

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