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last night I had the first meeting of my new Book Club. a friend and I had been discussing it at Scotch Night a few weeks ago (having a book club) and i knew if i didn't act on it immediately it would just fall into the 'new idea but never acted on' category. which so many of my ideas fall into.

so, i put an ad on craigslist and started getting e-mails.

last night we met in the 'dinner' room of a local irish pub. drank beer, decided when the first 'real' meeting will be. who will host it. how to do food and beer. (i forget. were the A's bringing food or beer? damn it. I think A was food and B was beer. see? logic)..

how to pick books (everyone brings suggestions. we try to have themes. like next month the choices have to be from the canon of literature, rather than new books. so classics, in essence, but some people felt hemmed in by 'classics', thinking that meant we had to read tolstoy or something. so we take suggestions, write them on pieces of paper and then pull one from a hat)

what kind of food.

how often we will meet.

and the group was *great*! everyone got along fabulously. There was one girl who i just loved and I plan to email her before next meeting to go do something with me.

there were about 12 people and a few people had emailed to say they couldn't come to first meeting but wanted to come next time. so...around 14 people. not bad!

I'm not an organized person. hahahaha. that's SUCH an understatement. i can't help but want to laugh hysterically at what an understatement it truly is.

and i felt awkward with my pen and paper, trying to be the 'organizer' .

i told htem 'i hope after the first few meetings this will just tend to organize itself'

and already i've gotten emails telling me it was a success.

and i am happy.

if i can only attack my other problems with the directness i gave to starting this.

our first book is a David Sedaris book. we're startin out light.

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