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i wonder if he'd enjoy being called "manboy"

oh weddings. kindly meant suggestions couched in the role of mother daughter, daughter too easily rises to old roles, tensions ensue.
silliness, really.
where is the rule book that says red may not be appropriate for june? or that silly can't be incorporated in elegant or pretty?
last night i dreamed he called it off, and hwen i said to myself "this is a dream, i want to wake up" i woke up into another dream in which it was still true
i finally woke up for real, gasping and panicking. and in his sleep he said "it's ok. i'm here" perfectly timed.
i sure do like that manboy. (i am just now, at 35..trying to learn to call myself woman. my boy man. but it needs a transitional period of manboy..which really sounds like he should peel grapes for me and fan my head)
this week was clarification of issues with girlfriend who was like my boyfriend. and eating adn drinking and feeling so much better. and it was lots of Firefly and possible menu choosing for the wedding. and gymming and tonight, bad bad singing. oh yes oh yes.
this weekend..dancing! manboy and i met dancing, and yet ..we've barely been in a dance club together since then.
things i really love this week:
a really wonderful glass of pinot noir
buttered popcorn
friends and talking forhours
monk the manboy.

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