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been tired a lot lately

friday night we went to a castle to see folky boys sing and play. a surprise performance (unexpected at least) by AJ Roach who is just wonderful and can do amazing old timey things with his voice.
but i was falling asleep in my chair, so sleepy.
sleep til noon on saturday. trip to the city for exploratorium fun followed by The Tonga Room. (where we got all kinds of crazy ideas)... for scorpion bowl in the silly room with the rain and the thunder.
a long bath saturday night... yumminess with the boy.
and today we have lazed about. orange juice and scrambled eggs and toast with my step fathers home made ollaliberry jam on teh back deck... watching godzilla pouncing on dandelions and chasing butter flies. the boy is currently looking damn hot in a backwards baseball cap holding a pair of hedgeclippers. rarr, yard work sexiness.
later, my frst seider!

i hven't written much lately. i had a very sleepy feeling week.

p.s. ..things making me happy today

i just heard the ice cream truck
I am wearing stripey toed socks
godzilla bounding through grass in the back yard

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