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house and kitty

my hair is so short. and so 1985. i want it to be a week from now on my head, because by then it should be about perfect. maybe 2 weeks from now.
i let him cut it short short short, because i have a serious problem getting into the hairdresser before 3 months ahve gone by.
this way, i'll have the baby hawk for just a little longer.
last night was the best-girlfriends-gift-exchange. we drank wine and ate pasta with meatless meat balls and there was cheese of course. and pictures of us together, and scarves and backpacking gear and presents and laughter and candles and a crazed kitty trying to escape maisie the pug which resulted in torn curtains and a few broken dishes.
maisie just sat there with her tongue half out looking very confused that she was creating such a ruckus.
we leave tomorrow morning for my family's house. and we have a special secret (sort of) two night trip that i planned for monk and i, and we jsut got two nights from his parents in mendocino to be used in the next few months. so romantical weekends abound!
here are some bad pictures of zilla. (i had my camera in the wrong mode) and pictures of my house from nearly 4 months ago, it's a little different now.

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