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the best champagne still softens your head

ok, having a lot of veuve at the work holiday party was just mean. because who can resist the *good* champagne, not me! so yesterday morning the top of my head felt sore and soft, which i didn't know champagne could do but apparently it can. either that or i hit my head on the bedroom wall and dont' remember it.
dinner was delicious... there was even foie gras. i so love foie gras, despite how totally un politically correct it is. my boss has good taste in just bout everything, so the food, the wine, the champagne. all top notch. and then little boxes of tauscher chocolates on our plates after dinner. also top notch, and i'm not so much a chocolate person.
last night iw as so damn tired , i took a some jincy willett and crashed by 10.
my desk chair sounds like a duck
today we're going xmas shopping.. that means ikea because i need some picture frames. ikea the week before xmas, am i crazy? apparently so.
my boy monk is the best person i know.
tonight is a friend's birthday party and tomorrow is chore day. huzzah.

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