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cranky pants

i woke up all cranky pants today
bad dreams, bad mood, bad feeling in the belly
but it dissipated over the day
last night i grilled mahi mahi,heated up the potatoes, steamed some artichokes and made a salad
so for lunch today i had mahi mahi, green beans, potatoes and a leftover artichoke
yummalicious. and i got a lot of comments on how it looked like i was eating a 4 course fancy meal for lunch.

yesterday my friend was worrying about definitions and what to say or ask or do in a current romantic situation and i told her that words are nice and all but maybe let actions stand on their own for a bit
and yea, i sure do like words and maybe sometimes i think they can define a situation
but in fact , it's the actions.

i'm glad i'm less cranky because i spent my morning bart ride glowering out the window and feeling snarky.

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