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pork buns!

i slept funny again. i keep having weird conflicted dreams...

tutoring was great this morning. the girls i'm working with are smarty pants. they have a great grasp of their tenses and are imaginative to boot.

i was walking to work afterwards, from chinatown. porkbun in hand.

and i was paying attention to the people who stare straight ahead as they walk & the people who look you in the eye & the people who look you up and down with mild curiousity

i wondered about the people who purposefully remain in their little bubble. are they afraid?

i wondered about the people who want that brief connection of eye contact. are they curious? lonely? open? lecherous?

i'm one of those people. i look directly at most people i pass, but i have on sunglasses. so i do it protected. a shield of tinted plastic between me and my feeling of brief connection.

last night was a singles event at 826. it was a little too crowded and hot. i felt all the blood swirling around in my head, which made me feel tipsy where i wasn't. i didn't find the person holding the other half of my poem, but i wasn't looking very hard either. karen bid us a date with an 826 feller (a date auction), and we have to come up now with a good date. all in all it was a night of hilarity and good fun etc. (i almost wrote good cheer, which is the dorkiest phrase ever). i developed a crush on a funny smart guy that i never spoke to. good people are involved with 826.

ssh. i'm eating my porkbun.

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