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a map to the past

i've finally fixed the older.html on so there is a map to the beginning again

(it's pretty funny. i didn't know html yet and all the beginning entries string together with no break tags)(and they were so so self conscious. it took me a month to become comfortable with writing and actually say what i wanted to say)

but really? i started this diary. almost 4 years ago? specifically to write these three entries:



and now i'm done with that. but i still keep writing. so i'm glad i took 4 years to say what i just had wamted to get out with those few entries. and amy asks "would you do it again?" and i say "yes"
"how?" "how can you just open yourself to be destroyed?"

because i felt alive. becuase i loved him. and i can't imagine ever not wanting to love somebody i've loved. and now, i'm done. and he was right. i'm stronger. and i'm better. and i'm proud of where i am, even with all this stupid baggage.

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