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big companies give me hives. the lack of communication. between us and them and the other big them and all the politics and the shebang and the tisky tasky talkalot. blah.

i get so impatient.

and confused. because i take their instructions at face value and then realize, that ..hey, these conflict with your other instructions. wait. you don't know what the hell you're talking about!

i wokeup with my left eye all crusty and stuck together. i thought i might hav epink eye. but this would not seem to be the case. i got soapy water in there last night and then it was irritated like fuck. i couldn't blink without horrid pain. so i visined the hell out of it (just to keep it lubricated) and i think i woke up with crusty visine.

i get to meet the ramonster today.

i'm not feeling quite up to snuff.

i'm having cursor fun.




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